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Water Conditioning

Eco-Friendly Water Conditioning Solutions

Hard water means there’s an excess of calcium and magnesium in the water. While it will not cause any health problems, it can leave behind those hardened deposits you see on the showerheads or in laundry pipes. It also impacts how well soap and other cleaners foam. 

A water softener can fix one problem but creates another by using salt to counteract the other elements in the water. This can lead to higher levels of sodium in tap water.
A water conditioner avoids that unnecessary step by altering the chemical reaction of calcium and magnesium, so it’s still in the water but chemically unable to clot in pipes or faucets. 

The inteGreen team would love the opportunity to show you more about how you can improve your water use and understand the chemicals inside your water with a demo of how water conditioning works.

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Hard Water in Kansas is Common

Water conditioning helps us live up to the “Green” in inteGreen by offering an eco-friendly option to help treat the hard water of Kansas. 

Kansas has “hard” or “very hard” water per the
USGS definition. Anything over 180 mg/L (milligrams per liter) is considered “very hard” water. Compare that to the most recent Consumer Confidence Water Quality Reports from our neighboring cities: 

Let the inteGreen team tell you more about how your family and your home can benefit from a water conditioning system. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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